Life Insurance
Policy Settlements

Sell your insurance

Fund your retirement.

Life settlements can help

A life insurance Policy is considered a personal asset. As a personal asset you have the right to SELL IT TO a buyer just as you would your car.

While selling a policy is more complicated than selling your car in many cases, it’s far more rewarding.

The purpose of our site is to simplistically explain what a settlement is, how it might apply to your situation and to make it easy to get valid offers from multiple buyers.
Watch the short video to learn how Life Insurance Policy Settlements can help you turn your old life insurance policy into cash.

Unlock policy value

A life settlement unlocks the equity value of your old policy.

Fund your retirement

Get an upfront cash value to help live a better life, pay off debt, or move to the beach.

Cut your expenses

Stop Paying 100% of Your Annual Life Insurance Premiums. Turn your expenses into an asset.

Cover medical bills

Cover big surgery costs, ongoing medical expenses and retirement communities.

Term Insurance Rescue Program

Potentially turning trash into cash.

This is one of the most valuable programs available. In many cases, due to lack in knowledge of this program, policy owners will allow their term policies to expire, only to throw that expired policy into a shredder.
In reality that Term Policy may be worth thousands of dollars. Here is only one example.
Client - male age 66, $2 Million Term Policy client had an aortic valve replacement.
The client had a term policy where premiums were set to increase substantially. Client was planning to let the policy lapse.
Our client received a check for $120,000 for the purchase of his policy

We make it simple.

You answer a few questions about yourself and your policy.

We help you find out if you are a candidate to sell your policy.