Life Settlements

Life Insurance Policy Settlements are the sales of existing life insurance policies to institutional buyers for a lump sum payment to the current owner of the policy.

The objective is for the owner to walk away with more money than might be available through surrendering or lapsing their policy.

What is a Policy worth to a potential buyer.

Many factors go into determining what buyer might pay to purchase a policy.

Some of these factors include:

  • The age of the insured.
  • The health of the insured.
  • The type of policy the seller owns.
  • The amount of annual premiums a buyer will be responsible for into the future.
  • The policy’s death benefits.

Who are good candidates for a life insurance policy settlement.

The two biggest factors that get a buyer’s attention are the age and health of the insured.

For example, an unhealthy 65-year-old can possibly receive more of a buyout than a healthy 70-year-old.

As it is hard to predict a purchase offer, getting real offers from buyers is the only way to truly make an informed decision on whether to sell your policy or not.

For that reason, we offer a free no obligation quoting service. The objective of this service is to gather bids from the major institutional buyers and pass those along to you.

As we work on behalf of our clients, not the buyers, we work at having buyers compete against each other for a policy.

The only place to start this process is by gathering pertinent information. With this information it can be determined if there is a buyer interested in your policy and what price.